Dear Colleagues,
The Organizing Committee of the San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium® (SABCS®) and the Croatian Senologic Society welcome you to the Best of SABCS® CROATIA. The SABCS®, now in its 7th year, is the premier conference for basic, translational, and clinical cancer research professionals. It is well known for presenting the latest breast cancer data from all over the world. The Best of SABCS® allows professionals, who are unable to travel to San Antonio, the opportunity to experience and discuss the research and advances with colleagues and key opinion leaders. Attendees to the Best of SABCS® program will receive the most current information on breast cancer research presented in the original format delivered at the meeting in San Antonio in December 2024. You will learn of the current advances in breast cancer research that are changing clinical practice for the benefit of patients.
The SABCS® has always been a forum for interaction between individuals involved with all aspects of breast cancer research and care and it is envisioned that this camaraderie will also be experienced at the Best of SABCS® CROATIA. I would like to extend recognition and thanks to the supporter of the Best of SABCS®, Croatian Medical Association, for realizing the importance of education and who make it possible to bring this meeting to Croatia.
On behalf of the organizing committee of the SABCS®, and the Croatian Senologic Society,
I would like to wish you fruitful conference.
Virginia G. Kaklamani, MD
Professor of Medicine, Division of Hematology/Oncology, UT Health
Science Center San Antonio, San Antonio, Texas,USA
Poštovani kolege i kolegice, dragi prijatelji,
Hrvatsko Senološko Društvo organizira simpozij u Hrvatskoj “Best of SABCS - Croatia 2025” u Zagrebu od 14. do 15. veljače 2025. godine. Cilj inicijative “Best of SABCS” je omogućiti kolegama izvan SAD-a koji su uključeni u dijagnostiku, liječenje i praćenje oboljelih od raka dojke, uvid u najznačajnija predavanja i originalne prezentacije SABCS simpozija održanog u prosincu 2024. godine u San Antoniu, SAD. Veselimo se Vašem sudjelovanju na sedmom “Best of SABCS - Croatia 2025” simpoziju u veljači 2025. godine, i dragocjenoj pomoći u ostvarenju uspješnosti sastanka!
S poštovanjem, prim dr sc Paula Podolski,
Predsjednica Organizacijskog odbora „Best of SABCS Croatia“
Predsjednica Hrvatskog Senološkog Društva